Ausstellung „GENESIS“, 2.- 15.3. 2015, Museum Jurmala



Text by Evelīna Vanaga
February 18, 2015
DATE March 5th – 15th 2015
OPENING March 5th, 6 pm
EXHIBITION SPACE Jurmala City Museum
Tirgoņu iela 29, Majori
Jurmala, LV-2015
OPENING HOURS Wednesday – Sunday
10.00 – 17.00
ARTISTS Jürgen Schubbe, Dagmar Rauwald, Manuel Schroeder, Liviu
Bulea, George Baratashvili, Jacopo Abis, Giusva Pinato,
Beatrice Gelmetti, Gioia Dei Rossi, Veronica di Giovanelli,
Saulius Dastikas, Mantas Maziliauskas, Leonīds Tugaļevs,
Romans Drits, Mārtiņš Rozenfelds, Lauris Vītoliņš, Dita Lūse,
Dace Lucia Kidd, Vitaly Stanislavsky, Māris Upzars, Sarmīte
Caune, Andris Vītols, Justīne Lūce, Emīls Braunbergs
CURATOR Edmunds Lūcis
Opening of exposition GENESIS in Jūrmala
Thursday, March 5, will be the opening date for international exhibition GENESIS in Jūrmala
City Museum (29 Tirgoņu Street) held by artists from Germany, Italy, Romania, Georgia,
Lithuania, and Latvia. Combining works of painting, photography and installation art, it will be
open for viewing till March 15.
Each of its authors has been invited to participate as a sovereign and unique artistic
phenomenon. National identity of each artist, in which, often, their artistic principles are
rooted, is an inimitable value, which creates a completed world, aligned with artists’
achievement. Facts of geographic appurtenance influence religious, political, economic and
juridical vision of world to effect the creation of art works. Therefore, works offered in this
exhibition would reflect the diversity in perception of the theme ‘GENESIS – the creation of the
world’. The concept of exhibition presumes individuality of each artist to seek consonance with
achievement of other artists to create a harmonious and balanced wholeness of exposition. The
personal contribution of each participant, included into the shared landscape of exhibition,
evolves into story about what is most important of all – the world.
Irrespective of theories or aesthetic approaches the participants of event represent, the decisive
element is the question stated for the purpose of creation of this exhibition: the mode the
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world could emerge and who is its master? Alternative view of creation of the world, on its
construction and structure will develop in inter-action of varying genres of art to enable the
viewer to think about evolvement of a unified, humane, and universal world.
Perceptions about creation of the world are inter-disciplinary – a product of language, history,
natural sciences, philosophy, theology interpreting religious explanations aside with those of
modern science. No doubt, they are dependent on positioning and environment where people
have grown up as well as on understanding of cultural traditions and systems governing the
development of thought processes.
Support of the exhibition is provided by Jūrmala City Museum, Romanian Cultural Institute and
JK Consulting Group.